Secrets unimaginable and stories untold

Hello! This is where my blog will be, it's very cool, I'll mostly be blogging about my writing and art experiences but I can do whatever I want (mwahaha) so I'll likely do other stuff too

14 April 2024

I posted my first actual piece of fanfiction on ao3 today! It was hella fun to make and made me laugh so, so much. Here's the link: Hilda and Her Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Unit Partner

23 June 2024

Working on more fanfiction is fun! I should probably put a list of all my fanfic on the main page, huh...Also I haven't used this blog in a while! Not much changed that I'm going to put on the internet...unlikely as it is that anyone is going to read this...I'm going to New York in three days! Very stoked for that. I've been looking forward to it for a while.